Owning a Gestational Surrogacy Agency isn't just about finding the right matches, preparing surrogates for a healthy pregnancy, and answering intended parents questions. It means making sure all legal needs are met as well. Taking the time to document, sign, and prepare for the birth of a precious little one(s) and ensuring neither the parents or surrogate mother have legal tape to cut through, is what makes these journeys all the more amazing.
It isn't just a simple, "sign this" and "sign here" kind of task though. It entails being prepared, knowing what to look for and anticipate, and making sure the journey your clients are about to embark upon are not hindered in any way.
With all of the unknowns that may or may not happen, it's good to have a place you can go to find certainties. It helps keep everyone's smile firmly planted on their faces so they can enjoy the good things coming their way.
At International Fertility Law Group, they make it look easy. No matter the questions you have, the problems you'd like to prepare for, or the obstacles you want to avoid, they know how to direct you down the right path. Trust and communication are key to their business. Knowledge and perseverance keep them at the top of their field.
Without Rich and Molly, this particular task would be daunting. They both have a knack for making you feel confident that all is right in the legal world.