What led you to become a surrogate? (If applicable, what led you to do another journey as well?)
My friend told me about her journey and the experience she had and I just thought it would be the coolest thing to do.
What made you decide to choose Dream Surrogacy?
The same friend who shared with me her journey recommended Dream.
What is the relationship like with your intended parent(s)?
Throughout the journey I could not have asked for a better team to work with; we created such an amazing friendship that even after the journey finished we still keep in contact.
What are some high points of your journey?
My overall experience was great everything was so smooth!

What advice do you give to others who want to become a gestational surrogate?
The process may seem long, but the experience is amazing!
What did you do to prepare yourself for surrogacy?
I just kept reminding myself that it was for great cause and that helped me to not become attached. 😊
How has your decision to become a surrogate impacted your life?
It helped me appreciate my family a lot more, and it also helped me just look at the bigger picture and know that there will always be a solution to brighten up any situation. 😊

Interested in becoming a surrogate yourself? Just fill out our Surrogate Application and we will be in contact with you shortly! If you have any questions, review our Q&A page along with Dream's Steps to Becoming a Surrogate. If you need more information, you can contact us directly!